A different version of this App is already installed with the same version number

This error is show as a correlation error on SharePoint when trying to add your app to your site. This typically happens when you removed\upgrade a current app and reinstalled. SharePoint is supposed to CLEAN up after an uninstall but this usually fails so when trying to add the new app there is a version and thumbprint mismatch.

A solution is to remove the deleted App from all Recycle Bins (primary, secondary, site collection etc), but that also does not always work.

Best solution I found so far is to remove via database:

  • Open your SharePoint content database and find your app:
  • SELECT * FROM [dbo].[AppPackages]
  • Check App name etc to find the correct one (there can be more than ONE)
  • Take note of the PackageFingerPrint and SiteId
  • Then for each App run the following
    • EXEC [dbo].proc_App_InvalidatePackage [PackageFingerPrint], ‘SiteID’
      • Substitute your PackageFingerPrint and SiteID – NOTE PackageFingerPrint does not require the quotation marks
    • EXEC [dbo].proc_App_DeleteInvalidatedDownloadApp [PackageFingerPrint], ‘SiteID’
      • Substitute your PackageFingerPrint and SiteID – NOTE PackageFingerPrint does not require the quotation marks

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