We use audiences extensively and required a way to do a recon on which users are in which audiences. Obviously we can run some C# to get this but I got stuck with some arb error message and permission issues (nothing new for SharePoint). So I decided to do the “evil” and query the database directly. The table are in the User Profile database. Here are some example scripts:
— Gets the Audience Name
FROM [SPS2010_UserProfileService_Profile].[dbo].[Orgle_List] where orglename = ‘[Audience Name]’— Gets the Audience Memberships Count
SELECT TOP 1000 [OrgleID]
FROM [SPS2010_UserProfileService_Profile].[dbo].[Orgle_Stats] where OrgleID = (SELECT [OrgleID] FROM [SPS2010_UserProfileService_Profile].[dbo].[Orgle_List] where orglename = ‘[Audience Name]’)— Gets the full audience list
OrgleID = (SELECT [OrgleID] FROM [SPS2010_UserProfileService_Profile].[dbo].[Orgle_List] where orglename = ‘[Audience Name]’) AND
[SPS2010_UserProfileService_Profile].[dbo].[Orgle_QueryResult].UserRecordID = [SPS2010_UserProfileService_Profile].[dbo].[UserProfile_Full].RecordID