Nintex – Useful SQL Queries

This script will show you how many Workflow progress records each workflow in your environment has generated.

SELECT i.WorkflowName, COUNT(p.InstanceID) [Number of WF Progress Records],  i.siteid, i.webid, i.listid
 FROM dbo.workflowinstance i
 inner join dbo.workflowprogress p
 on i.InstanceID = p.InstanceID
 GROUP BY i.WorkflowName, i.siteid, i.webid, i.listid

This script will show you the top workflow instances that have generated the most records.

SELECT I.WorkflowName, COUNT(P.WorkflowProgressID) AS WorkflowProgressRecords,
 CASE i.state WHEN 2 THEN 'Running' WHEN 4 THEN 'Completed' WHEN 8 THEN 'Cancelled' WHEN 64 THEN 'Error' END AS Workflow_State,
 I.WorkflowInstanceID, I.SiteID, I.WebID, I.ListID, I.ItemID, I.WorkflowInitiator, I.WorkflowID
 FROM dbo.WorkflowInstance AS I INNER JOIN dbo.WorkflowProgress AS P WITH (NOLOCK) ON I.InstanceID = P.InstanceID
 GROUP BY I.WorkflowName, I.WorkflowInstanceID, I.SiteID, I.WebID, I.ListID, I.ItemID, I.WorkflowInitiator, I.WorkflowID, I.State
 ORDER BY WorkflowProgressRecords DESC

This query can be run against a Nintex Content database to pull back information on workflows that have a high level of interaction with the SQL environment

select I.WorkflowName, I.WorkflowInstanceID, I.SiteID, I.WebID, I.ListID, I.ItemID, I.WorkflowInitiator, I.WorkflowID, I.State, COUNT(P.WorkflowProgressID) as ActionCount from WorkflowInstance I inner join WorkflowProgress P on I.InstanceID = P.InstanceID group by I.WorkflowName, I.WorkflowInstanceID, I.SiteID, I.WebID, I.ListID, I.ItemID, I.WorkflowInitiator, I.WorkflowID, I.State order by COUNT (P.WorkflowProgressID) desc

Here is a break down on what this query returns:

  • WorkflowName- Will provide the name of the workflow.
  • WorkflowInstanceID- A new ID is issued every time the workflow runs.
  • SiteID: Will provide the ID number for the site where this is being run.
  • WorkflowID: Will provide the ID of the Workflow itself.
  • ActionCount: This is the number that will determine how many actions the workflow is adding to the Progress table. For each action processed in a Nintex Workflow two records are added to the progress table. One is the start of the action and the other is the completion of the action. 
  • Workflow Status table:
    • WHERE i.State = ‘2’ –‘Running’ 
    • WHERE i.State = ‘4’ –‘Completed’ 
    • WHERE i.State = ‘8’ –‘Cancelled’ 
    • WHERE i.State = ’64’ –‘Error’    

If you are able to identify a workflow that has an exponentially growing action count, it is recommended to review the workflow design and determine why the record count is growing in such a manner.

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