I have a process for our payroll department where I need to duplicate a SharePoint document library every month, keep the folder structure and permissions (permission set per folder) but remove all files.
I achieved this using ShareGate and Powershell. I use ShareGate to copy the library and keep the permissions intact
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Function to Delete all files in a Folder
Function Delete-AllFilesFromLibrary([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder]$Folder)
#Delete All Files in the Folder
Foreach ($File in @($Folder.Files))
#Recycle the file
#$File.Recycle() | Out-Null
#OR Delete skipping Recycle Bin
$File.Delete() | Out-Null
Write-host -f Green "Deleted File '$($File.Name)' from '$($File.ServerRelativeURL)'"
#Delete files in Sub-folders
Foreach ($SubFolder in $Folder.SubFolders | where {$_.Name -ne "Forms"})
#Call the function recursively
#Get the Web and Library
$Web = Get-SPWeb "[YourSite]"
$Library = $Web.Lists.TryGetList("[List Name]")
#Call the function to Delete all files in the Library
Delete-AllFilesFromLibrary $Library.RootFolderTo remove all the files and keep the folders I run the Powershell script below